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An Analysis of Modern Propaganda

"We are especially hungry to share our interpretations about media messages that represent reality in ways that use artifice and imagination" ~Renee Hobbs, 2013



Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: A propaganda model. Manufacturing Consent.


Hobbs, R. (2013). The blurring of art, journalism and advocacy: Confronting 21st century propaganda in a world of online journalism. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 8(3), 625 – 638.


Holiday, R. (2013). Trust me, I'm lying: confessions of a media manipulator. Penguin.


Joffe, Helene (2008). The Power of Visual Material: Persuasion, Emotion and Identification. Diogenes 217: 84 – 93.

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